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World Health Day 1
7 April 2015
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at freedigitalphotos.net
In 1948, there was a call for the creation of a "World Health Day" to mark the founding of the World Health Organization. And since 1950, World Health Day has been celebrated annually on 7 April. Each year a theme is selected for World Health Day that highlights a priority area of concern for WHO
The theme for
World Health Day this year will be 'Food safety'. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of food safety. And, here are the World Health Organization's 'Five keys to safer food', keep clean, separate raw and cooked food, cook food thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures and use safe water and raw materials.
It's very important that we know how important food safety is. Did you know that food that contains harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemical substances is responsible for over 200 diseases, from diarrhoea to cancers. So, we all need to be aware of the threats to food safety, the diseases they can cause and how to protect ourselves so World Health Day will focus on these points.
World Health Day gives all of us a worldwide opportunity to focus on key public health issues that affect the international community.
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