बालकृष्ण शर्मा नवीन
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया सेबालकृष्ण शर्मा नवीन (1897 - 1960 ई०) का जन्म 8 दिसम्बर 1897 ई० ग्राम भयाना, ग्वालियर मध्य प्रदेश में 1897 ई० में हुआ। नवीन जीद्विवेदी युग के कवि हैं। इनकी कविताओं में भक्ति-भावना, राष्ट्र-प्रेम तथा विद्रोह का स्वर प्रमुखता से आया है। आपने ब्रजभाषा के प्रभाव से युक्तखड़ी बोली हिन्दी में काव्य रचना की। 29 अप्रैल 1960 ई० को उनका निधन हो गया।प्रमुख कृतियाँ[संपादित करें]
प्राणार्पण, उर्मिला, रश्मिरेखा, कुंकुम, क्वासि, अपलक, विनोवा-स्तवन, हम विषपायी जन्म के।बाहरी कड़ियाँ[संपादित करें]
- हिन्दी कविता के राष्ट्रीय स्वर : बालकृष्ण शर्मा 'नवीन'
- बालकृष्ण शर्मा नवीन (प्रवासी दुनिया)
- विप्लव गान (हिन्दीकुंज)
• अय्यदेवर कालेश्वर राव •साहित्य:काजी नज़रुल इस्लाम • बालकृष्ण नवीन • हरिदास सिद्धांत वागीश • राजराजेश्वर दत्त शास्त्री द्रविड़• शिवपूजन सहाय •Postal Stamp Image : Stamp Issue Date : 05/12/1989 Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.60 Postal Stamp Serial Number : 1396 Postal Stamp Name : B.K. SHARMA Stamp Information : Balkrishna Sharma "Navin" Pandit Balkrishna Sharma was born to Pandit Jamanadas Sharma and Radhabai, on 8th December, 1897, in Bhyana village of Shajapur district in Madhya Pradesh. Balkrishna was a versatile genius right from childhood, but could not start schooling till the age of 11, because of poverty. His mother brought him to Shajapur from where he passed the middle school exaination. He did his matriculation in 1917 from Ujjai. During this period he came in contact with Makhanlal Chaturvedi and proceeded to Pandit Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi in Kanpur. Kanpur, thus, became his field of action. While still a student of final year B.A. in Christ Church College, Kanpur, Navin started his political career. On Mahatma Gandhi's call, he participated in the non-cooperation movement. On a resolution of the Congress, he left college alongwith his comrades in 1921 for active participation in the Freedom Movement. From 1921 to 1944 he was imprisoned six times, and was among those declared as the most dangerous prisoners. After Indipendence, Navin made both political as well as literary contributions. He was nominated as a member of the Constituent Assembly, and got elected to the Lok Sabha from Kanpur Constituency in the first General Elections. From 1957, he continued to be a member of the Rajya Sabha throughout his life. His vigorous oratory earned him the title 'Lion of Kanpur'. He was also a member of the Official Language Commission and of the Cultural delegation representing India in many European countries including England. After the demise of Pandit Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, Navin undertook the editorship of 'Pratap' and discharged it very efficiently. Besides being a patriot Balkrishna Navin was also devoted to poetry. His esteemed works comprise 'kumkum', 'Rashmirekha', 'Apalak', 'Kwasi', 'Vinoba Stavan', 'Urmila', etc. His 'Hum Vishpaee Janam Ke' is a posthumous compliation published by 'Gyanpeeth'. He was honoured with a Padma Bhushan award in recognition of his literary services. Pandit Balkrishna Sharma 'Navin' passed away on 29th April, 1960. Text: Courtesy Navin Sanskrit Evam Shodh Sansthan Shajapur, M.P. Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp has been designed at India Security Press, Nashik Road, based on photograph furnished by the Navin Sansthan. First Day Cover design is by Sankha Samantha and cancellation by Nenu Gupta. Stamp Currency : P Stamp Type : COMMEMORATIVE Stamp Language : English Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.55 X 2.5 cms. Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35 Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13 Postal Stamp Shape : Vertical Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked P.G. Matt coated paper Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure Number of stamps printed : 10,00,000 Stamp Printed At : India Security Press Indian Stamp's Color : Grey Balkrishna Sharma Navin - Geeta Kavita
www.geeta-kavita.com/indian_poetry_list.asp?...Balkrishna_Sharma_Na...Collection of Balkrishna Sharma Navin Hindi Indian Poems. Balkrishna Sharma Navin and Mirabai - Yahoo Answers
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20070612040818AAT9dNgedu/~inch/mirabai.p... Five works: Two poems at ... Pandit Bal krashna Sharma " 'Navin' Govt. College."
www.mpcolleges.nic.in/bksnpgcshajapur/d1.html465001 (M.P.). i-ckyd`".k 'kekZ "uohu". (1897-1960) ... Browse Search - VTLS Chameleon iPortal Browse Results
jnuonlinecatlog.jnu.ac.in:8000/.../chameleon?...Sharma,+Balkrishna+'Na...Balkrishna Sharma Naveen - प्रवासी दुनिया
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India 1989 Balkrishna Sharma Navin 60P MNH 49139
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